
미군 탄저균 불법 반입...

백삼/이한백 2015. 6. 15. 09:50

Rally Over Anthrax Mistake and THAAD deployment in South Korea

Members of civic groups stage a protest in front of the War Memorial Museum in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, on June 14, 2015,

  1. U.S. Forces Korea said that a live anthrax sample that was sent to the U.S. Osan Air Base in the city of Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul.
  2. Anti-war activists holding banners that said U.S. Forces withdraw from Korea for operating germ warfare unit.
  3. Video clip of the site of the demonstration
  4. 용산 미군기지 앞, 탄저균 소독하는 시민들
  5. As part of performance, protesters are doing cleansing and disinfection in front the Yongsan Garrison - headquarters for the U.S. military in South Korea.
  6. South Koreans rally against smuggling of anthrax by United States Forces Korea.
    a live anthrax sample was sent to a US base in South Korea.
  7. protesters highlighted the dangers of the biological agent.
  8. South Korean protesters holds banners during a rally against the US government in front of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command (CFC) in Seoul, South Korea
  9. South Korean protesters hold placards during a rally against the deployment of the advanced U.S. missile defense system on the Korean Peninsula, called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD),
  10. Anti-war activists holding banners, demonstrating against the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system outside Presidential Residence of Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, June 11, 2015.